Dandies barbershop values and standards

Dandies Shop Standards are in place to help keep the barbershop a safe and professional environment for all our customers. and barbers

Dandies barbershop is a place to get amazing haircuts for you. To ensure the best experience, our staff must follow the follow responsibilities to keep everyone safe, secure. These responsibilities are based on business etiquette, common sense, and human decency. At Dandies we strive to provide customers with nothing but the best. For this reason we have set out a few rules and responsibilities which all barbers must adhere to. We have certain policies for cleanliness, safety, and customer service. These policies ensure the best experience possible. We value your loyalty, and we want to make sure that you're happy. We'll work with you to make sure that nothing gets in the way of your happiness if you sign on as a Dandies barber. We encourage you to read and review them, so that you can be fully aware of what standards we expect from you and your behaviour in the shop. 

Shop standards


Please arrive 15 minutes early for your first appointment. Prepare the tools, put a hot towel in the towel warmer and set up everything so that you are ready to go. Being early is being on time.

Our clients' time is valuable. We must respect the time that they give us by providing exceptional service in order to make them feel like their time was well spent.


The ability to listen, learn, and adapt is important for new barbers and for experienced ones alike. To thrive in the industry we must understand the clientele, their needs and goals. This can be achieved through listening to our customers. Always be open to learn from each other, from everyone. Paying attention, learning will make you a better barber and a better human being everyday. We believe that every single barber is unique and has different skills, experience, and ways of thinking that can contribute to our growth as an industry.


Barber personal hygiene is important for the health and well-being of the customer. It is also a reflection of your own professionalism. To maintain a clean and professional appearance, it is best to avoid scented products and perfumes, as these can be offensive to some people. It is also important to take a shower before arriving at work, as you will be dealing with other people's hair and skin. After taking a shower, apply non-smelling deodorant on your armpits to avoid unpleasant smells. It is also important that you dress professionally: business casual attire is appropriate for this profession. Remember that your appearance should be neat and clean at all times!


Dandies values a highly professional, creative and collaborative environment. We're all individuals with different opinions, but when we work together as a team, we succeed. That's why Dandies aprons are required on the shop floor. They represent our commitment to one another when we wear them. We are barbers. The apron emphasizes our professional image, it's a symbol of belonging to the family, so wear them with pride! As barbers and stylists, we are all professionals and are expected to dress and act professionally when on duty. At Dandies, we help each other learn and grow. We support each other's success. Let's stay focused on our skill and craft and provide our service in the best manner possible. After you have worked at Dandies for a year and proved yourself to be an asset to the shop, we will be more than happy to give you a reference.


Our barbershop is our temple. This is where we spend our lives, and feed our families, learn and grow. We want to keep our temple clean, organised and professional. So no matter how small or great a task may be, do it with the same care and attention that you would for your own family's home. We are all grateful for your dedication to excellence!

A clean barbershop is crucial to your customer retention and reputation. The law requires that you disinfect and clean your tools at every time you use it, clean the floor in between each client, wash your hands in between each customer, mop the floor at the end of the day. By maintaining a clean shop, you will earn repeat customers who will tell others about how great your shop is!



When customers enter the shop, everyone should smile and greet them. This creates a welcoming environment and makes customers feel valued.

It's important to begin your patrons service with a plan. First, check your calendar, confirm which client you are meeting with, and review their service. Greet them by name, introduce yourself with your name. This will help you remember the name of your client and build an impression of professionalism.

Once you've greeted the client by name and confirmed the service they've booked, begin the consultation. Based on the consultation, suggest the service they should receive as some clients may choose the wrong service based on their knowledge in English or barbering skills. If they have made an error booking—help them understand what service they should get and provide that service only if customer agrees!


In order to provide the best service possible, it is important that a barber:

-Consults with the customer before making any decisions about how to proceed

-Verifies the service he or she will be providing to ensure that it is correct

-Explains what he or she will be doing during each step of the process and why it's important

-Changes his or her service if the customer booked a wrong service, and informs the customer about what has changed

-Asks what the customer liked or disliked at another barbershop


Barbershop policy is that we provide a welcoming, comfortable environment for our barbers and patrons.

To build rapport with customers, provide juice and drinks to children, verify identification if serving alcohol according to legal requirements. Give stickers as a thank-you gesture and to connect with customers. Make general conversation while following barbershop etiquette codes. Connect with customers by talking about their interests (books, toys, movies) so that you can have information about the haircut being done while talking helps move your hands more smoothly. It also helps make connections with others in the community and fosters a sense of community within the business.


We encourage our patrons to pay via the accepted methods that have been requested by the barbers, but there will be times when clients don't have any other options or prefer to pay by credit card. Please accept credit card as another form of payment as part of customer service.


We ask our barbers to book clients' next visit immediately upon the completion of their service, so that our clients are less likely to forget or reschedule.


We take the privacy of our patrons and barbers very seriously. Our policy is that barbers are not allowed to make any other personal connections with patrons except providing great haircuts at the workplace. We expect you to be professional at all times.



The barbershop is a reflection of you, as well as the company you work for. It's important that you keep your station clean and well-kept, as it shows professionalism, respect for your clients and coworkers, and dedication to your job. As per state board requirements, we require that the shop be cleaned daily by all barbers. We also require that you clean your station between each customer service. This includes disinfecting your station and washing your hands in between each service. The cleanliness of our shop plays a big role in how much of a bonus and evaluations —so please take some time to maintain it!

All barbers must obey all laws and regulations governing hygiene and sanitation, as well as all laws and regulations governing licensing requirements for your profession.


Barbers should restock the goods, products, water, beers, beverages in their free time. There is no one person to do it, we all do it. Whenever there is a cancellation or no show use that time to clean and organise the shop.


To ensure the best possible experience for our clients, we have decided to implement some rules around music while you are in our shop. All barbers will use music from the music app on tablet and must use dandies playlist or classic music playlist while providing services.


Customers deserve the best service, and that means they need to have your full attention. That's why we ask that you turn off your phone during your shift and put it away during any service you're providing. You may check your phone in breaks or after finishing every cut. We understand the importance of being available by phone, so feel free to use your own discretion when choosing whether or not you should check in with family or friends. Just don't let it distract you from providing excellent care for our customers!


The non-compete policy at Dandies Barbers is simple and straightforward: It prohibits any former barber from working as a barber in any other establishment within a 5 mile radius of Dandies Barbers for one year after their employment ends. This means that if you work at Dandies Barbers and then leave to work at another barbershop, you cannot work as a barber within 5 miles of Dandies Barbers for one year after your employment ends. You must also agree not to solicit customers or barbers from Dandies Barbers while employed elsewhere as this will lead to legal action.
The purpose of this policy is twofold: First, it ensures that our customers will always have access to our best barbers second, it protects us from having someone leave our shop only to open up shop nearby and steal away our clientele. By preventing barbers from leaving us and opening new shops nearby, we protect not only our own business but also our barbers work.


We are proud to announce a new policy for our barbershops. All barbers must have their own general liability insurance. This is not a new requirement, but it is a necessary one, and we wanted to make sure that you were aware of the importance of this change in policy. Having your own insurance helps protect the company from any potential liability issues that may arise. This includes customers accidentally getting hurt during a haircut or shave, but also protects against any health-related issues such as allergies or infections. The cost of this insurance is minimal, and we encourage all barbers to purchase their own coverage before the end of the year so they can start enjoying its benefits immediately. If you have questions about how best to obtain this coverage, please contact your manager or our HR department for assistance.



Dandies provides everyone with a clean and healthy place. If you or your patrons become sick, please stay home and inform the owner immediately so arrangements can be made for another barber to cut your patrons hair. All barbers must follow state health codes, failure to do so will result in a citation and disciplinary action from our company.


Dandies pays barbers every Tuesday. If you choose direct deposit, your paycheck will be released from the shop on Tuesdays, and it should take four business days to arrive in your bank account. However, if you prefer a check, Venmo or Zelle payment, we can discuss those options during your interview.


Dandies and barbers are two separate entities working together to provide a better service. Dandies is committed to the highest level of customer service. We strive to provide the most satisfying and rewarding experience for our customers, and we expect all of our barbers to uphold this standard. The entire process starts with making bookings and handling appointments, cancellations, communicating on our customers' behalf and dealing with issues that arise.


We take privacy of our patrons and barbers very seriously. Barbers are not allowed to make any other personal connections with patrons except providing great haircuts at workplace. We expect you to be professional at all times. All barbers must respects customers privacy, do not text them outside of workplace messaging system, must keep their conversations confidential. We have a strict policy in place that forbids our barbers from making any personal connections with their clients outside of the workplace. This means that you cannot text them or message them on social media channels like Instagram or Facebook outside of work hours, and you also can't engage in any kind of sexual behavior with them (this includes flirting). You should also keep your conversations confidential by not sharing customer information with others. We take customer privacy very seriously here at Dandies, and we expect all barbers—to abide by this policy as well!


All rates are decided by team dandies, all barbers must respect the rates and services offered at the shop And must not offer services at a price lower than the same service offered by a Dandies franchise within five miles of your location. In order to ensure that all Dandies Barbershops have a fair chance to succeed, it is important that we establish some guidelines for our franchise locations.

These guidelines are in place to protect the income of each barber, as well as to provide consistency across all of our locations. First, we will limit each franchise to a 5-mile radius from the next closest franchise. This means that no two franchises will open within 5 miles of one another, or within two cities apart.


Dandies stands with barbers and its patrons. We know how to handle public relations. As long as barbers do their job what's required of them. Dandies manangment will handle all media inquiries.



Dandies Barber do not accept walk ins, we are appointments only business. Kindly make an appointment before coming. we are bale to provide a same day appointment.


Dandies have a strict policy on timing, as we want to be on time with the following haircuts, customers get 10 minutes extension to be on time. Else their appointment will be canceled.


Service duration may vary based on hair growth and service requested. No all services are exact same durations.


All of our barbers and customers are expected to be respectful towards one another. We strive to provide the best possible customer service experience for everyone, and we expect all of our patrons to treat each other with the utmost respect. If a customer is dissatisfied with their experience, they may request to speak with the owner or manager on duty. We do not expect any customer to be drunk or disruptive in any way. Any customer behaving in such a manner will be asked to leave the shop and will receive a full refund for their services.


we are committed to protecting the privacy of our patrons and barbers. We expect all transactions between our clients, our barbers, and others to be conducted in a professional manner that does not violate the trust we have built with our customers. We take this responsibility very seriously, and we believe it is essential to maintaining a healthy and mutually beneficial relationship between our barbershop, our clients, and the community at large.


All barbers are independent contractors and have their own preferred methods of payment. Some barbers accept Venmo, Zelle, cash. But just in case you don't have any payment methods on hand, we can still accept credit card as we do not wish to inconvenience our customers.


At Dandies, we believe that pets are an important part of the family. That's why we welcome all pets to our barbershop—as long as they're well-behaved and up-to-date on their shots, of course! Our pet-friendly policy means that you can bring your furry friend along for a haircut or any other service (barbering, coloring, beard trimming) without worrying about whether or not they'll be welcome. We understand that pets are part of the family, and we want you to feel comfortable bringing them with you when you come into our shop.


Dandies barbershop requires a three-hour cancellation notice from customers. This is a fair policy, as it allows us to schedule other appointments for those times. Failure to comply with this policy results in the assessment of a cancellation fee.